Tigers well cute in every way. They are the largest existing members of the cat family unlike cats Tigers have retractable claws and sharp teeths enough to tear a human flesh apart, Their scratch on trees serve as territorial mmarkers. Still they are really cute, they will only chase after you if you provoke them otherwise they just carry on their work. A tiger has an orange brown coat with stripes except for the genetic mutated white tigers and golden tabby tigers. Tigers are cute in many ways one is their eyes its so round with greyish color and a perfect brightnes in it ,at dusk or in the beam of torch they blaze back the ambient light with awe-inspiring intensity.

Tigers live in steamy hot jungles as well as icy cold forests, no one knows exactly why tigers are stripped but people think it act as camougflage and helps them hide from their preyy, tiger strips are ike human fingerprints; no two tigers have the same pattern of strips their paw prints are called "pug marks". The life span of tigers is about 10 years whereas tigers in zoos live twice as much.